It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Same old same old

First, for any of you who read about my crappy life, I want you to know that I'm not one of those major image conscious housewives who have to be "to the nines" at all times. In fact, I'm most comfortable in my sweats with no make-up on regardless of time or location.

But, many many years ago (we're talking 1996 here folks) when I just got divorced from my first husband I felt I needed a boost. Nothing drastic, just a little something something to make me feel and look better. So, in addition to my tanning bed addiction, I started getting my nails done.

For the longest time nobody even suspected it. I kept them natural looking, a normal length and always painted. I've done it for so long it's just second nature.

Several weeks ago I decided that I wanted to have my natural nails for a while. But that meant getting rid of the acrylic overlay on my nails. Most people let them gradually grow off, which I tried for a couple weeks, but I ended up digging them off one Friday night after a couple drinks. The end result was, well, probably what you'd expect, nubby chopped and chewed nails.

I did go without for a couple weeks. And let me tell you, that's no easy task when your nails are paper thin and cut down below the quick. Yeah, they hurt like H E L L !!! for a couple weeks.

I tried. I really really did. But Saturday I made my way to my local foreign owned and operated nail salon and got myself some new nails. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it feels to have them back.

Did you ever really stop to think about how much you use your fingernails for in your daily life? Try it sometime. Opening packages, mail, bottles, etc.; washing dishes; showering; doing your kids hair.... the list goes on and on and until you don't have them to use you don't realize how important they are.

So, now I have 2 reasons to continue my nail perfection obsession. (1) they look nice and (2) they are functional. Hey, it works when rationalizing the $30 a month to my husband.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Story of My Life

I'm telling you, this is the kind of crazy you just can't make up. Sometimes I seriously believe that I'm living inside some weird soap opera and I just keep waiting for someone to yell April Fools. But it never happens. So, I've come to the conclusion that reality sucks.

Once again I was at the point last week were I was sitting at my computer at work drafting my own Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. I mean, I like amusement park rides and all, but the emotional roller coaster is one I'd rather NOT buy a ticket for. It's just getting harder and harder to bounce back from and I have to ask myself how much of this I really want to continue to deal with.

I do think I need to start tracking this behavior from my husband. It's like some strange man-strual cycle or something. He gets a hair in his ass and it's like hell hath no fury until he's satisfied he's successfully pissed off every living thing. I've been in this relationship long enough to know that if I ignore things and act like it didn't happen eventually things will be back to somewhat normal. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore now that my 7 year old daughter understands what he's saying and doing.

Things are back to normal for now. He's apologized, again. He said he just felt like he was losing control of things. And I responded that I wasn't property.