It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two steps away from the deepest darkest bowels of Hell

Yesterday I completed a task that I hate.


I made my yearly trip to the DMV to renew the sticker for my license plate. The more I think about it, the more that $10 "convenience" fee they tack on so you can do it by mail is looking better and better. I mean, isn't an hour of my life and maintaining my sanity worth at least $10?

I've never fully understood why it seems that no matter what city or state you are in, the DMV is as close to Hell as you can get without actually going there. Why can't it be a happy place? Where the people that work there act like they're human? It's like they've all been brainwashed into some drone like state. They have no emotion. No humor. And it seems that no matter how menial your purpose for being there it's a huge inconvenience to them that you're there, expecting *gasp* customer service.

I did have one other task to complete while I was there. Well, two actually. I last renewed my drivers license in 2006 and back then my hair was really really short and really really dark. Since then I've grown it out to almost shoulder length and it's relatively blonde. A few weeks ago someone asked to see my drivers license when I wrote a check and they proceeded to as me for additional ID since the picture looked nothing like me. So, for $5 I got a new drivers license. And I have to say, it's the best drivers license picture I've had for YEARS. I'm smiling (against all the evil forces at the DMV that were wearing me down hoping I couldn't) and it actually looks like me.

The other thing I did was register to be an organ and/or tissue donor. You know, years ago I thought it was disgusting and always politely refused when they asked. But, a lot of things have happened in my life where I've lost loved ones entirely too soon. And even in the tragedy of those losses their parents have decided to donate viable "parts" to those who are less fortunate. And for that amazing generosity I give those people high praise. To be able to find some good in the tragedy that occurred to our loved ones and make life for someone else possible, or even a little more enjoyable....that is the best gift of all.

So, get out there and register as an organ and/or tissue donor!


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