It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, April 21, 2011

They say 40 is the new 30.....

and if that's the case, I'm quickly approaching my 29th birthday. I know, it's really my 39th, but hey - worth a try!

Right now I'm not having any issues with turning 39 this year. That may change though as time goes on and this time next year I may be singing a different tune. When I was in my teens and 20's I always thought that 40 was so old. Like it was two steps away from senior citizen discount age. Yet here I am, 369 days away from being 40, and I don't feel old at all.

I've been living this life for 14, 238 days and think I've got at least another 15,000 in me - God willing - and plan to live every one of them the best I can. Not just for me, but for my family and friends.

In these 14, 238 days I've accomplished a lot, missed out on a lot, been too scared to do a lot, lost a lot of people, made a lot of new friends and wished I'd done a lot of things different.

But, when it all comes down to it I can't think of one thing I would change if I had the chance. Believe me, I've thought long and hard on this one over the years. And although I wish I could change the circumstances of a few situations (how and why I've lost those I love - to cancer, suicide, horrible car accidents) I've been made stronger because of them. I've been made to realize that these things do happen to me, my family, my friends, and that I don't live in a bubble where bad things only happen to other people.

You know, it's a hell of a ride but.....It's My Life......Like it or not


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