It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, November 10, 2006

Still recovering

This week has been pretty much a blur. I can't believe it's Friday already.

Monday my daughter and I got our flu shots first thing in the morning. I know I've said it before, but I absolutely hate getting shots. I know there's no way around it, so I deal with it. My daughter on the other hand, does not know how to deal with it. I told her I'd go first so she could see that it didn't hurt (it hurt like hell but I wasn't about to let her know that!) and that there was no sense in getting all worked up. When it was her turn she tried hiding behind me and for a minute I thought she was going to crawl up inside my ass. We finally got her on the table and hog-tied so the nurse could stick her, but she screamed bloody murder the whole time. Should have known, what with the episode with school shots. She wasn' t as bad as when she got school shots, I thought she was possessed then, but I'm sure 1 shot versus 4 has a lot to do with that.

She went off to school and I went off to work. My arm hurt for a good day or two and she still has a small bruise on her leg but has said it doesn't hurt or bother her.

Tuesday I got my car back. YEAH! I've been taking extra long getting around town now to make up for my 5 days without it. Looks good and it cost me nothing. Even better.

Wednesday I was home sick. I wasn't really sick so much as I just didn't feel right. I probably could have come in to work, but I didn't even have the energy to put make-up on let alone what I would have had to deal with here. So, I slept for about 4 hours in the morning and got all my normal Wednesday night chores (laundry) done in the afternoon. I can't stand being home sick. I hate all the crappy daytime TV bull. When I go home for lunch everyday I end up watching The People's Court and that kind of stuff.

We had two beautiful Indian Summer days this week. Wednesday it was 73 and yesterday it was 71. Awesome for early November. It would make me so happy if it just stayed like that until Spring. But, today it's in the low 50's and it's more than misting but less than raining out and it's yucky.

My dad's birthday was last week and I found something really cool that we bought for him from the little girls (aka granddaughters). Sharper Image had a remote controlled 57 Chevy Bel Air convertible. My dad has a 58 Chevy Bel Air. So, we had it sent out to Arizona and he got it Tuesday. He was laughing like mad. He loves it! My mom sent an email to their car club buddies here in Illinois that he got a 57 Chevy Bel Air convertible for his birthday, she's failed to mention that it's a remote control car.

Nothing much going on around here. I'm going to have to start planning for Baby Girl's 6th birthday next month. It sucks that she was born right before Christmas when it comes time for planning a party. Oh well, we've managed to make it work so far.


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