It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It would be easier to ask for a kidney

For several months I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to get an increase in my salary.

It's to the point now where I would have better luck if I asked for an organ. I work for a lawyer - you know, the profession that makes the most money after your doctor.

Basically, I want a 50% increase. I know - it won't happen. I've got my speech all planned out and everything. See, I've done this a few times and I know that you go in high so you can bargain yourself down to what you'll accept. Hard to start low and work up but easy to start high and work down. Besides, that way HE feels like he got me to concede to HIS terms instead of what actually went down.

So, I'll keep you posted. My husband wishes we had money stock piled so I could walk out and tell him I'd be back when he decided to pay me well, knowing full well it wouldn't be a day and I'd be back at MY price.

Yeah, I'm that good. Need a paralegal?


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