It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, October 30, 2006

Just one of the Boys

I did go duck hunting Saturday with "the boys" and I'm still here to talk about it, so it must have been alright.

It was C O L D and the wind was blowing directly into our blind all morning long. My face is chapped and it hurts. I got basically NO sleep Friday night knowing full well that I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn or be hackled all day long for sleeping in. In the afternoon the hubby and I each took naps, he on the sofa me in the recliner, while Baby Girl had the run of the house. She changed the channel a few times until she found SpongeBob and then Franklin, got a piece of string cheese for herself and got herself some juice in a cup. No stains on the carpet - amazing!

I only shot my gun one time and missed so terribly that I pretty much sat back and watched the masters the rest of the time. I was ready to leave almost immediately after we got there, but I stuck it out. We ended up with 4 ducks and I got to personally experience how well trained our dog is at retrieving dead animals.

I would like to go again, if the weather cooperates with me. I'm not big into the whole bundle up like an Eskimo thing. I was never happier than I was when I peeled my neoprene chest waders off and was able to remember what it felt like to breathe unconstrained.

Mom and Dad aren't leaving for AZ until tomorrow morning now. Too many glitches came up last minute pushing their time table back a couple days. I don't see what the big deal is - it's not like they have a deadline to get there. Their trailer will still be there no matter when they arrive.

Baby Girl and I are trying to figure out when we'll be able to make the trip there for some R&R this year. My husband is going to Arkansas for a hunting trip at the end of the year and it would make sense if we could all be gone at the same time, but we've got school to work around. I still don't want to just yank her out of school - it's the principal of it. I've said before, if I give her the impression that it's ok to miss school to see Papa and Nanny in Arizona at any given time while she's in Kindergarten I'm certainly not setting a very good example of the importance of school. I don't know - we can't really afford to go until we get our income tax refund anyway so looks like I'm fussing about nothing right now.


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