It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, October 02, 2006

Time Flys

Well, never in a million years would I have thought that it would take me nearly a month to report on my Girls Night Out adventures, or any of the other less than exciting events in my life.

Girls Night Out was fun. We went to dinner at one of my all time favorite restaurants. We had drinks, appetizers, dinner, more drinks, and lots of conversation. I think we were at our table for nearly 3 hours. Then we hit one of the local to that area bars that had live entertainment, as it turns out he's the kid (21 year old) that a friend of ours hires each year to play guitar and sing at his cookout. He saw the 4 of us walk out onto the patio and made some snide remark about us following him or something. Who knows. Anyway, a good time was had by all (but maybe the one who is serious about going out without the husband and kids) and I was home in bed before midnight.

Work has been insane!! Last week I was so busy that there were days that the only time I left my desk was for lunch or to go home. Boss man had a full week of 1/2 day or all day hearings that required a lot of preparation on my part. That's the part that sucks - I do all the work and he gets all the glory - and money. Again, both local Judges have encouraged me to attend law school, one even went so far as to hand me a letter of recommendation he had already written about me, and again I told them both that I would be more than happy to go if they were willing to foot the bill. You know, it's funny how people's attitudes change when you suddenly use their money to do what they think you should do. One of the lawyers we regularly work with on a lot of cases flat out told me, in front of my boss and the Judge, that she preferred to deal with me rather than my boss because she got honest answers and we were able to take care of many problems without much trouble. Huge ego boost.

My daughter has been having a few problems in kindergarten. A week ago or so I spent no less than 1/2 hour on the phone with her teacher trying to figure out why she won't keep her hands to herself (she's hitting, pushing, etc.) and what we can do to get it to stop. I don't get this. I have no other children, the only thing she fights with for attention is the dog for attention by my husband. The teacher said she is one of the smartest kids she ever had and thinks that maybe she's bored and that's why she's acting out. I don't know. We did have open house last week and we were able to meet some of the other kids in her class and see their work. In my opinion, it wouldn't be hard for her to seem like a brain truss with the level of non-competition she has to work with. She has 22 kids in her class and I'd say there are no less than 8 that can't even write their names legiblily. Not hard to look smart when then rest of the group looks dumb. I know, bad to say, but true.

The big wedding is this weekend that she's the flower girl in. My husband is really getting on my nerves about the whole thing. I've had an appointment for her to get her hair done fancy for over a month, and I know I've told him about it at least once. Last night we were talking and he was asking if we have to pay for that or if I was just going to do her hair myself. HELLO?!? And he wonders why I do so many things without telling him. Why bother? If I tell him he swears I never did. Typical male that has selective hearing.

This morning he was telling me about a dream he woke up out of in a tiz in the middle of the night. He said it was so real he still can't decide if it was real or a dream. I assured him that in my opinion it was a nightmare, but that it was 100% fiction. He says I told him I was having an affair with a 45 year old slob and that in the dream I totally rationalized it. First off, if I was having an affair - which I'm not, I would certainly hope I could do better than that guy.

I did have a brief IM conversation with Eric, the old boyfriend that resurfaced a little over a year ago. Nice to talk to him, as always, but not often enough or long enough. We only had about 10 minutes to try to catch up on several months of stuff.


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