It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Big Whoo Ha Ha

I managed to maintain sobriety over the weekend at all the festivities. That doesn't mean I didn't drink, cuz I did, I just kept things in check.

The weather was pretty awesome this year - a little humid - but workable.

Baby Girl and I went to the kiddy fun fair one of the local banks has each year and she got all sugared up. Why do they have to hand out candy? What happened to the good old McDonald's coupons for free fries or cheeseburgers?!?

The parade was typical, except for the extremely high amount of politicians. Happens when it's an election year - I guess you just learn to live with it.

Later on in the evening we met up with a group of friends to eat and drink. The beer garden ended up being a flop due to the constant rain that started right about the same time. Oh well, kept me inside and warm rather than cold and wet.

Sunday morning Baby Girl entered the kiddy tractor pull (pedal pull) and got 1st place in her age category! Hip Hip Horray!

The weather this week has stayed pretty cool for this time of year. It sure has made me remember exactly how much I hate fall/winter/spring. I really need to move to a location that has summer 24/7/365.

Some day...............


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