It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, September 01, 2006

Random Ramblings

I. September 1st already...where does the time go. What a bummer, it feels like summer just started and we're already closing in on fall. I hate the seasons. The older I get (and I'm not that old!) the more I wish I could pack my bags and move somewhere with sunshine 365 days a year, no snow, no seasons, hell - I don't even care if there's no grass. The other day I was listening to some old CD's I have around and threw in Jimmy Buffet's Fruitcakes. Ahhh, "Boat Drinks" says it all.

II. 25 more days until my 8th wedding anniversary. There are days that it seems like we just got married yesterday, and there are days when it seems we've been married for an eternity! It's strange, I remember what my life was like without my husband, but each time I have memories of doing something I can't picture it without him being there. Like most other young couples, we've had our ups and downs. The old timers have said that marriage is a full time job, I believe it - sometimes you really have to work at it to make it stick.

III. Last night we had a parents only open house to attend at Baby Girls school. It was a meet and greet mostly, chance for the teacher to talk about what she expects out of our kids this year. It was great, her teacher is so full of energy and easy to relate to. She's an empty nester so these kids are her life. She's been teaching for 16 years all together, 2 years in Pre-School and the rest right here where she's at with Kindergarten.

IV. Labor Day weekend...HURRAY! We have a wedding to attend tomorrow (Saturday) that now my husband is trying to get out of. It's about an hour away from our city and any of the people he knew where invited aren't able to attend. He was also crying about not being able to drink much/any since we'll have to drive that distance back home. Whatever. Since when has that stopped him and since when have we not gone to something because we wouldn't know anybody there? Hello - we know the bride and groom and their families!

V. I'm nearing the end of my two week no exercise restriction from my doc. I can't wait to get back into my routine. My knee still hurts but its at least bearable. I'm going to just keep going on it until I can't go anymore. It's driving me nuts not being able to hit the rec center. I doubt I'll start running hard again right away, but you can bet I will be running the day I go back. In the last 2 weeks I've felt miserable the entire time, and I've gained not quite 5 pounds. I've been watching what I eat but it doesn't matter since I don't have the movement to burn the calories. YUCK!


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