It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, August 25, 2006

He's got game alright

Well, it appears our new client (stalker) is attempting to take his "game" to the next level.

Today I received a telephone call from Mr. McHotty. He didn't need anything. He didn't have any new information regarding his divorce case to tell me. He just wanted to say hi. See how my day was going. Find out if I had big plans for the weekend. For a while I thought he was going to ask me out, but thankfully that didn't happen.

Ok, so I admit that when he first started talking to me more like a friend than an employer (well, kind of, I am working for him - on his divorce case) I was fine with it. He seemed like a nice guy, was telling me things he probably wouldn't tell my boss for fear that the "old man" might not get it, we were laughing and at the same time getting work accomplished. I've found that we do get more information and have an overall better working relationship when people trust us, feel like they can tell us anything, and more often than not they just need somebody to vent to and I can typically relate to what they're going through. Most people don't particularly care for lawyers or the people that work for them, I guess I'm trying to make people believe that we're human beings with emotions, feelings and life experiences outside work.

Today, I hope that he doesn't remember my last name fear that he may have looked me up in the phone book and start driving past my house. I seriously think he may be psycho.

During our phone call he told me that he wanted to tell me something the other day in court but that my boss came back in just as he was getting ready to. Alrighty then, I got a little freaked out by that comment. So he goes on to tell me that he was going to let me know that he thought my eyes were beautiful and that the color of them had him mesmorized. Ok, yeah, uh-huh, gotta go.

So, I had serious thoughts of getting on the phone to my eye doctor immediately after I got off the phone with him. Damn those colored contacts! They are pretty cool, aqua colored, and they do make my eyes look pretty damn hot. I've often been asked if they are my real eyes. "Why no, they aren't, but I must get them back to their original owner, thanks for reminding me." Duh! They are my real eyes, just not my real eye color.

Anyway - back to Mr. McStalker. I did get off the very uncomfortable conversation speedy quick, used an old trick to get rid of telemarketers, I told him I had another call that I had to take.


So, I got out of it for today - but what's going to happen next week? I guess I have to wait and see.


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