It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, October 05, 2006

How this thing grew legs

Well, my husband's dream (nightmare if you ask me) about me having an affair with a 45 year old slob has grown legs and he's running with it.

First off - I have not EVER ever once done anything even remotely sneaky during the course of our 10+ year relationship that would make anyone have reason to believe I was anything other than completely faithful to my husband. Ok, sure, I've talked to a couple ex-boyfriends but NOTHING has ever happened. I talked, they talked, and when I say we talked I mean that and nothing more. I should be the one who has suspicions of his fidelity when it comes right down to it.

So, anyway, husband brings up his dream again and about how real it was and that he still can't figure out if he was dreaming or really living this event out. I assured him it was a dream and nothing more, but somehow my denial made him more suspicious. You know the old saying, denial is the first step.

Whatever. I don't have (a) the time, (b) the energy, (c) the desire, or (d) the ability to carry on a meaningless relationship with anyone. My almost 6 year old daughter is attached to my hip 99.75% of the time. Somehow my husband fails to recognize that fact and has convinced himself that I have a boyfriend. I can't even go to the bathroom without the assistance of my daughter, how in the hell would I be able to have sex with some other guy?!?

HE is the one who picks up and goes whenever he wants and doesn't think twice about leaving a child around. HE has never once had to find a babysitter to watch her so he could go to Wal-Mart to buy groceries in peace. HE is the one who says he's running to a buddies house for 5 minutes and comes home 2 hours later. HE is the one who is away from his family every weekend. HE is the one who can't stand to spend a day at home with no projects. HE is the one who receives all the phone calls at our house.

Do you see a pattern here? Yeah, me too.


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