It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, August 11, 2006

Random Thoughts

Just some miscellaneous stuff -

~ My boss has been gone for three days now, five more to go. He just called to check in (as if there's anything he could do about it from 1,000 miles away) and told me he was a few minutes from the George Washington Bridge. Means nothing to me, other than it's in New York. Never been there, and as my husband informed me last night, likely never will.

~ Four more days until the big day in Chicago. I'm taking my daughter on the train (her first train ride) into Chicago and going to the American Girl store. My mom is coming with us, I have to bring my checkbook after all. (Get it - she's my checkbook) Baby Girl is getting excited now. Last night she asked me what outfit I though Julia (that's her doll's name) should wear. Then she decided that it was best if Julia didn't wear any shoes, we'd hate to have another incident like we did at Kohl's a while back. (We lost one of Julia's shoes briefly - and she had a fit, borderline panic attack) I tell you, that kid remembers everything.

~ This weather we've been having here is insane! It was blistering hot and as dry as the desert for what seemed like forever - now it's cooled down some (which is nice) and started raining like crazy. I'm grateful for the weather, I'm not real thrilled about what it's done to my allergies and sinuses.

~ I've talked to a couple of people about my run in with David's Bridal and they've, of course, offered their unsolicited opinion of what I should have done. Our next door neighbor takes the cake - she said I should have walked out and told them where they could stick the whole dress and gone somewhere else to buy one. Hello - the wedding is in less than two months and that was the dress that the Bride picked out. Had she been with us and known what the score was, I may have done that. But still, could you imagine what I'd have to deal with from my daughter? She's only 5 1/2 and loves that dress with all her heart. She'd be devastated to say the least, then I'd have to deal with her wailing and the alligator tears for no less than an hour on the way home. I think I'll pass, thank you very much.

~ Kindergarten starts in a few more weeks. We've tried pushing Baby Girl's bedtime up from 9pm to 8:30pm so that when school starts and she has to go to bed at 8pm it isn't a total shock to her system. Yeah, that's working well - not even close. I think it was 9:15 when I finally got her there last night. Not that we have anything going on that would prevent her from being in bed on time, she's a major staler - man she'd make a great hostage negotiator, she can hang with the best of 'em.

That's about it. It's Friday, thank God, and I've got about 4 hours of work (well, time to pass at work) left. It's been slow here, I spent the greater part of yesterday filing (you know me, I love to file so much that I put it off as much as humanly possible). With any luck we'll get to leave early today - the other lawyer hasn't been into working much this week.

Happy Friday!!


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