It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What? You think I'm made of money?!?

I got the call about the van - not good, not good at all. Remember, I just spent $210 on Friday to "fix" the problem at the same damn dealership. Now they want $500 more!!!! What the hell is wrong with this picture?! They were the dumbshits that couldn't tell if it was a fuel pump or a coil, why aren't they paying for their stupid ass mistake!?! Wait, it gets better - they are being kind enough to decrease the labor charge by $100 since they didn't fix the problem on Friday. Big fricking deal, it's a $100. When you're talking about a repair bill of over $700 in less than a week, who gives a shit about $100? AGHHHHHH!

On a good note, if there can be such a thing, this has prompted the hubby to totally rethink our need for a minivan. For that, I am glad. Never wanted to be a soccer mom driving a minivan, but that's exactly what I've been for the last 2 1/2 years. Last night we talked about it and he's decided he'd like to get a Volkswagen Passat or Jetta. We started looking around online to see what our options were and tried to figure out what our van was worth. Last night, we thought we were stuck with it when we thought we would be sideways in our loan. I called the bank this morning and was pleasantly surprised to learn that we owe a hell of a lot less than we thought. Plus, since I work for an attorney, we get the Black Book that dealers use to value vehicles. Boss man, who is an avid car guy and VW Passat owner, gave me some pointers on how not to get screwed.

We'll see where we get with any of this.


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