It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, July 07, 2006


Well, the conversation never managed to get the the Cubs tickets situation last night. We had other more pressing issues to deal with.

Monday my daughter goes back to her normal babysitter. The sitter has been on a 2 week vacation that runs out today. This morning on the way to the back-up babysitters house, I reminded my daughter that today was the last day there. She was livid! She started to cry telling me she didn't want to go back to Bevy's that she doesn't have fun and that Bevy doesn't let her do anything.

I have to admit, there has been a very noticeable change in her attitude the last few days. She's interested in doing her "homework" again and is back to playing school with all her stuffed animals and dolls. I do think that the back-up babysitters have everything to do with that - the mom and dad are both teachers, dad teaches grade school PE in the public school system and mom is a grade school teacher at the local Catholic school. These people have 5 kids of their own and deal with other people's kids all day during the school year.

We did talk last night about this summer being it for the normal babysitter. Since we're going to be starting school next month we won't really need the sitter except for school holidays that we don't get off work and the summer. The fitness center here has a day camp they run all summer long and the place is literally 6 blocks from our house. We would pay $8 a week more for the day camp then we do for a week at the sitter. The hubby figured out what it costs us to drive to and from the sitters each week, not including what we pay her, and it shocked me! $48 a week in gas between the two of us.

I don't know. We'll see how things go. It's going to be so hard to break off the relationship with the sitter, she's been going there since February 1, 2001 when she was 6 weeks old. But, I guess that's all a part of the business she's in.


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