It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Probably Dead Meat

That's what I could be - dead meat. Maybe, I won't know for a couple days for sure.

The Hubby and I had a brief, and when I say brief I mean like 3 seconds, talk about going to a Cubs game in Chicago. We talked about how much nicer/easier it would be to hop on the train and go, but that it would have to be a 1:20 game so we would make the return train at 5:55 pm.

Well, our anniversary is coming up in September so I got on eBay to see what was available for a 1:20 home game before school starts to baby girl could go with us. She's never been on a real train before. I was looking for Friday, Saturday or Sunday games, but found a Thursday game that's a promotion day, American Girl Doll outfit day. Just so happens that baby girl got an American Girl Doll for Christmas from Nanny and Papa.

So, without checking first with the hubby, I bid on them. Face value of the tickets is $17 each and I bid $20 each kind of half hoping to get out bid. As of right now, I am the winning bidder. Eeek.

So, I got on Amtrak to check the fares and if I get the tickets for the game for my current bid, which will be my max, it'll cost more for train tickets than it will for the game tickets. Still, all told it will be about $150 and that's a hell of a lot better than the Vegas trip I was looking at for just the two of us.

So, we'll see how this goes over at supper tonight. My guess is that it'll go over like a turd in a punch bowl - not great.


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