It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Scooters, Music, Smokes and Sunshine

Well, my days of owning a scooter are quickly coming to an end. Yesterday the dealer came to pick up "my" scooter to service it. Evidently when they donated (sold) it to the benefit committee they simply took it out of the box and handed it over. So, there's no battery, no fluids, no nothing. When the guy came to get it, I explained the situation of how I hadn't intended on owing a scooter in this life time. He offered to buy it back from me, for $700! So, after talking the situation over with the other girl here in the office (to see if she or her family were interested), double checking with the boss man that none of his daughters wanted it, and making sure that hubby and I were on the same thought process - I'm making the call to let the guy know he can keep it and I'll take his money. What a relief.

Our office is pretty big but there are only 2 lawyers and 2 assistants. One lawyer has his office upstairs and the other at the back of the building on the main floor. My co-worker has an office at the back of the building, in addition to her desk in the "main" office, and I have my desk front and center in the main office. It's usually pretty quite in here, except for the constant hum of the industrial grade air purifiers we use to TRY to get rid of the smoke smell generated by my boss, the chimney. Since I'm ususally up front by myself I decided to bring in an old radio from home so at least I can have some action going on. We'll see how long I can get away with it before the uptight upstairs lawyer tells me it has to go. Not like I'm listening to gangster rap or anything - adult contemporary, nice office type music.

The chimney says he's going to quit smoking. Next week he starts some drug therapy that he has to take 2x each day. He thinks he'll be on that for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks and then just pick a day to quit smoking. Yeah right! The man is 60 and has likely been smoking for 40 or more years. Try to convince me that he'll be able to just quit on any given day. Whatever. He needs to concentrate more on the booze than the smokes if you ask me. Who knows, maybe he's starting with what he thinks will be the easiest to quit.

Today is my Friday. Yea Yea Yea! We've been plagued with babysitter problems so I just decided to take a day off to be a mom. It certainly didn't hurt my decision to do so that I don't work on Monday or Tuesday due to the holiday. So, hooray! I get a 5 day weekend!!!

On Monday, I have officially been a paralegal for 2 years. When I first started here my boss thought that he could have me pretty well at speed with his practice in a good 2 years. I told him during my interview that I'd prove him wrong and told him I'd be there in 1 year. I was right. As things stand the only thing I don't do is stand in court and argue a case. I have been in court with a client when my boss was out when he broke his hip. Both of our normal judges want me to go to law school. I've told them both that I would be happy to do so if one of them was willing to foot the bill and help me provide for my family at the same time. Strange, neither of them mention that they want me to go to law school anymore.


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