It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, June 26, 2006

All I can say is ... Wow - Ow!

I'm actually lucky I can say anything at all. I was at the benefit Saturday from 3pm until 1:30am. I haven't seen this town at 1:30 in the morning since .... I don't even remember the last time I saw this town at 1:30am!

My feet don't hurt, which is unusual. I guess those crocs really are good for your feet. My legs on the other hand are killing me! They're still throbbing this morning and I was easy on myself all day yesterday. I'm exhausted too, I slept until 9:30am yesterday and would have been in bed longer but my mother in law came over for a visit so I figured I should drag my happy ass out to the living room. All day yesterday it was all I could do to talk. I swear I was screaming all day/night Saturday just to get myself heard over all the noise and loud music.

On a good note - we raised close to $70,000 at the benefit. There were no less than 800 people that were at the event, it was awesome! Many times through the night I found my eyes welling up with tears, the community support for this guy is unreal. I just hope that at least one person out of all of those in attendance will take the time to find out if they might be a match and be willing to give up a kidney. That would just be the icing on the cake.

That pretty much consumed my whole weekend. I was dreading it on Friday, but by the time Saturday came I was so excited to be a part of the whole experience. We've got a few more fund raisers lined up in the next couple weeks and we'd like to present the family with the money the first part of July. By then, we're hoping to be closer to $100,000, based on Saturday and the outpouring of support for this guy, I think we can do it!


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