It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Silent Zone - Day 2

All kinds of fun at my house last night.

It's very difficult to give someone the silent treatment when there's a five year old that doesn't shut up in your house. She's a smart one, let me tell ya. She's already figured out that Daddy is mad at Mommy but she can't figure out why. Hell, I can't figure out why.

I did call him at lunch today. Trying to waive the white flag a suppose. But, not 2 minutes into the conversation I again found myself saying "whatever. goodbye." and hanging up.

This is so not good for my blood pressure. My blood pressure meds are really getting a work out these past few days. I guess that's why I take them though.

This man needs a boot up side his head. I did draft the Petition for Dissolution, on a piece of paper with a pen. Still can't believe I've gone that far with it but I have endured so much of his bullshit I really don't care anymore.


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