It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, October 22, 2007

Picture from my surgery

Here it is - this is what I looked like when they booted me from the hospital less than 24 hours after yanking my appendix out of me. It came out of the spot with the bandage under my tattoo, the incision is about 1/2 an inch long. The surgeon went a little lower than he usually does so my tattoo could be sacrificed. Thanks Doc! (he's the second to cut me open and spare my turtle, see the other scar? C-Section)

It still amazes me that they make an incision on the LEFT side of your body to remove something that's on the RIGHT side of your body...but I guess that's why I'm not a doctor.

I'm also trying to figure out how I gained nearly 7 pounds from the time I was first taken into the doctors office to be examined and the time I left the hospital after surgery considering I ate NOTHING for 24 solid hours, then ate nothing but 3 spoon fulls of disgusting hospital jello and a little bit of apple juice in the following 24 hours. I didn't have solid food until supper time Saturday night and I had surgery at 5pm Thursday - my last meal was a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast Thursday morning at 6:30.
I didn't go to work today but I'm going to try a half day tomorrow and then I hope to be back to normal on Wednesday, that's giving myself not quite a week for recovery. It was laprascopic remember.
I never filled my script for pain meds. I guess I have a higher pain tolerance than I give myself credit for. Ha Ha Ha, that's funny. But I have managed to make the pain tolerable with aleve instead of vicodin. So, for me, major accomplishment!
I'm sore in all sorts of places you wouldn't imagine being sore in from an appendectomy. Like my shoulders (from being tubed I've learned), my throat (tubed), and my wrist (from the end of the IV needle sitting there for 24 hours). Other places too, but those were the most noteworthy.
I'll keep you posted on my recovery.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh that's great. LOL! Can't explain the weight thing. That is strange.


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