It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I admit it. I'm addicted. To many things actually, however none of them are illegal in nature.

I fun is that?!?

As I was indulging in one of my addictions over my lunch hour today the thoughts of my addictions were swirling through my head. Some of them are things I should certainly be thinking twice about, but others are just run of the mill. So, I've decided to come up with a list of sorts, of some of the things I'm addicted to. Here goes:

1. Single Latte Skim French Vanilla
2. Diet Pepsi
3. Orbit Sweet Mint gum
4. Sugar Free Cool Whip
5. Taco Pizza
6. Bagels with cream cheese (schmeer me up!!)
7. Tanning
8. Exercise
9. My daughter
10. Email

I guess that's my top 10. None of them will kill me (I don't think so anyway) but I know damn well that the tanning is the worst from the list for me. It's just so relaxing to lay there in the warmth. Ahhhhh.

Yeah yeah, so it's a fake bake and I'm exposing myself unnecessarily to ultra violet light. I've heard it all before, a million times I'm sure, and my response is always the same. I'm gonna die anyway, may as well die with a tan and a smile.

I think I have a new addiction that I'm working on. The South Beach Diet - Stage 1. Loving it. It isn't as hard as I thought it would be to avoid all the things I typically turn to the most - carbs, starch, sugar. The only thing I really miss is pizza right now. And maybe the booze. But when my 2 weeks are over I can start to gradually add those things back in.

Here's the thing. I'm getting apprehensive about adding them back in. I've already lost 5 pounds in less than 1 week just by eliminating all those things. So I keep wondering to myself if, when I add them back in, the weight isn't going to just come back. I mean, makes sense, right?

So, if there are any South Beachers in the 3 people who do happen to read my blog - let me know how you did it.

Oh by the way - my husband was very quick to poo-poo the whole thing working until he decided to give it a try to make dinner a little easier on me. And he's lost almost 9 pounds since Thursday.

Oh, gee. I guess the dumb bitch knows what she's talking about sometimes after all.


At 12:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That taco pizza does sound very deadly. Maybe even more so than the tanning. We all have our vices. Be glad it's these and not something worse like crack or crystal meth. Now those guys have it bad.


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