It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Checking in

It seems like it's been close to forever since my last post, must just be me.

It's been crazy all around lately. Super busy at work, busy at home, busy, busy, busy.

Today is school picture day for my daughter. She looked so cute when I dropped her at school. I just hope pictures are early in the day or God only knows how dishevelled she'll look in the picture. I'm especially hoping pictures were BEFORE lunch time, she has a nasty habit of spilling on herself and THAT would suck.

I've committed to a "part-time job". I am now (well, not technically yet I haven't sent my contract in to HQ) an independent coordinator for Bead Retreat. Kind of like the home interior lady of making your own jewelry for those of you not up to speed on the whole Bead Retreat thing. Home parties where each guest makes and takes home their design. It's pretty cool stuff actually. I make my own hours and can schedule as many or as few retreats as I want as long as I maintain my monthly sales minimum. I'm excited about it!

Summer here in Illinois is quickly coming to an end. We did have a few days a week or two back that were just down right ick in my opinion. I hate cold weather, I hate snow, I hate the changing of the seasons, don't do the "colors" of autumn, pretty much hate living in Illinois. Each year I hate it more and more, but there isn't much I can do about it in my current situation. I guess if I want to move somewhere else I have to get a divorce. Been down that road before and swore I wasn't doing it again.

Speaking of marriage - our anniversary is tomorrow. NINE YEARS!!!!! That's right, we've been married for nine years tomorrow. Hard to believe sometimes. Believe me, I have days that it feels like ninety years and days that it feels like nine hours. But, for the most part, I wouldn't change a thing about the last nine years. If anything, I would have had another child. Not that we still can't, but more than likely we won't.

That's about it. I'm hanging on to these last few days of summer like weather with all my might!


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