It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, August 10, 2007

Under Construction

At my house, that is. And it's a fricking mess.

Tuesday was the first day on the job and we had two exterior doors replaced with nice new insulated steel doors, one in the kitchen that leads to the back yard and one in the garage that leads to the back yard. I don't really care about the mess that was created in the garage, but the mess that was made in the kitchen was beyond words. Saw dust and chunks of plaster EVERYWHERE.

I had been wanting to repaint, seeing how the kitchen still has white walls. When we first moved into the house, 10 years ago, the white paint on every fricking wall was kind of nice. Neutral. Goes with anything. Now it feels institutional. So, I've gradually been painting the rooms, one by one, and giving our lives some color. Since the trim, that isn't there yet but soon will be, around the new door will need to be painted it seems like this is the perfect opportunity for me to take advantage of the lemons I've been given and make lemonade. Now if I could only decide on a color.

This is now what 85% of my house looks like. Lovely isn't it? I always wanted a house that said TYPAR all over it.
5% of the house says something about some old lumber yard that was around when the house was built a bijillion years ago. (See below) and the other 10% is the front that is covered in limestone. We thought about replacing that with siding....but then quickly dismissed that when measuring the depth of the mortar. THAT project would be a marriage breaker.

This is what USED to be on the house - aluminium siding. That old stuff has certainly seen better days and after this weekend it will no longer be a heap of crap in our back yard but will instead be cold hard cash in our pockets. That's right folks, scrap metal gets big bucks. We're expecting about $400 for that heap of crap. It won't really be money in our pockets, not for long anyway, we've got to pay the guys when the project is all done next week and that will help fill the gaps where the insurance money isn't anymore.

This is the one that has the old lumberyard stuff on it. And oh, the new garage entry door. The new kitchen entry door is in the second photo.

If you look at the first picture at the pile of old siding it kind of reminds me of the garage heap from Fragile Rock. Yeah, I remember Fragile Rock. I still sing the catching little theme song from time to time.

So, that 's about all that's new for us right now. I'm looking forward to the way the house will look when all the work is DONE. It might, almost, look like a house that wasn't built in 1958. And, thankfully, I think we're done with all the major major projects that needed to be done. We've done the roof (twice), the windows, now the siding and 2 new doors (still need to replace the front door that isn't insulated). Now all we have left is new flooring in the kitchen, replacing the bathroom vanity and mirror, and new flooring in the kitchen.

You know what, by the time we get all that done it'll probably be time to move.


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