It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, August 03, 2007


I can't think of anything more depressing for a Friday morning than to watch your car being towed away. And that's what I just did. So not a good thing to be doing at 9:15 a.m. Kind of puts a bad spin on what should be a good day.

So, we're a 2 vehicle family now down to 1. Which doesn't work real well in the grand scheme of things. Logistically, it's a nightmare. So far we're managing, but we've only been without my car since roughly 5pm last night.

Last night I walked out of my office to go home and got into my car just like every other Monday though Friday. Except when I turned the key in the ignition nothing happened. I called my husband and he came up with jumper cables and was able to get it started and get me home. After supper he went out to tinker on it and it wouldn't start again. He went to AutoZone and bought a new battery, still no luck. He finally jumped it again and took the whole car to AutoZone so they could put it on their diagnostic thing-y and they believe our problem is the alternator.

The good part about all of this, if there is such a thing, is that my car is still under full factory warranty. So, I'm sure this will cost a small fortune - what with the towing to the dealership at no less than 25 miles one way - but thankfully the wonderful people at Nissan will be footing this bill.

I don't know yet if they're going to have it fixed today or if we'll be without my wheels through the weekend, the dealership is going to call me when they get the car there and have a chance to check it out. If we are going to be without for the weekend I've already made a phone call to my parents, who are out of the state at the present time, to see if we can borrow a car since they have 4, and I get the Corvette. SCHWEEEEET!!!!

1999 Red Corvette convertible. I've borrowed it many times, not much of a grocery getter but pretty fun to drive around town in. I haven't had it sideways yet.....but never say never!


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