It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, May 04, 2007

Seasons suck

I've lived in Illinois all my life. For the past 10 to 15 years I have wanted to move to somewhere else. Arizona. I love it in Arizona. I love the weather, the surroundings, everything. There are typically 2 times each year when I really want to live anywhere but here. Spring and Winter.

I went on a bike ride around town the other night. I think every fricking person in town had either just mowed or was mowing and everyone has a lilac bush in their yard.

For the past few days I have been having a real hard time breathing - my allergies have kicked into high gear and my prescription meds are doing nothing.

I talked with Eric, the ex-boyfriend, this week. It was nice to catch up. He had heard from another friend in the area about my cousin and wanted to make sure I/we were alright. I'm not, but it's getting better every day. We chatted online and he turned on his webcam so I could see him. I felt like a peeping Tom but it was pretty funny at times too.

I had an appointment scheduled with a psychic but I had to cancel due to other plans on the same day. I don't know that I believe in psychic's, but I get to see her for free, so what the hell - I'll give it a shot.

Off to Chi-town tomorrow for a wedding shower. Normally I dread these types of things but I'm actually looking forward to this one for some reason.

That's about it. We've been running around like crazy with soccer and in the next few weeks start in on t-ball. Yipee.


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