It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, March 26, 2007

Captain Xa-Ray

Friday afternoon I called the doc's office to see about getting rid of this mutant cough. It took a while, but I somehow managed to convince the nurse that I wasn't about to spend the rest of my life sleeping in an upright position on my sofa when I have a perfectly good king size bed calling out my name. She called me back just before 5pm with word that the doc had approved getting me some more meds and strongly suggesting I get a chest x-ray asap.

So I went to the drug store and picked up my script for 3 days of Prednisone (nasty shit) and then we were off to a going away party for some friends of ours. I didn't read the label on the meds, but I'm guessing it didn't suggest it be taken with Bud Light. Oh well, drink 'em if you got 'em.

Saturday morning I went and had my chest X-Ray (my daughter says x-a-ray). It took all of about 5 minutes and I'm guessing I'll get a bill for about $800. As long as my doc can figure out why I'm still coughing I guess it'll be worth every penny.

Saturday night we went out with a group of friends for a birthday. Dinner. Drinking. All adults, all the kids were with overnight babysitters. We really need to do that more often. Adult night.

Friday and Saturday we were with most of the same people. The new drink of choice for several is Captain and Coke. I tried one. Not bad. Never really cared for the "spiced" part, but when you put it with Diet Coke, which I also don't care for - at all, it works. Tried one with Diet Pepsi, my cola of choice, not so good.

So, Sunday my husband went out and bought a fifth of Captain Morgan and a 2 liter of Diet Coke. The coke is all gone, the Captain is about a 1/3 gone.

So, new plan of attack for my mutant cough. Dr. Captain Morgan.


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