It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Although he's old enough to know better he was obviously too drunk to care

On Saturday my daughter and I were in Naperville for a wedding shower for my cousin and her fiance. We left town at 10am and got into Naperville at around 11:45. The restaurant was easy to find and the food was good - I came home with more than I ate the portions were so huge.

My husband had a Ducks Unlimited event that was from Noon to 6pm here in town, so when we got back from the shower we crashed that shindig at about 5:30. He looked and sounded fine, although he had more than likely started drinking at Noon. It was all you can eat, all you can drink.

One of the guys at the DU event decided to have some people over afterward and invited all of us to come over, and bring the dog. So, we went over there shortly after 6 and were there until about 11.

The majority of the other party goers were 25 years old. Evidently, my husband felt he needed to try to keep up with them. Why? Who knows.

So, all Saturday night I was basically awake because my husband was up puking all night long. He puked in the bed. IN THE BED!!! And I had to wake him up to tell him he puked IN THE BED. At midnight I was changing sheets and starting wash.

I'm telling you - I love my husband, I do. But this guy is the worst sicko ever. He was whining and moaning, slept on the bathroom floor for a few hours. He can't just quietly puke, he has to make sure the whole house knows he's sick. For crying out loud.

It took him until about 6pm Sunday to feel "better". He swears he wasn't sick because of all the beer, that it HAD to be something he ate. Yeah right. Whatever!


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