It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, February 16, 2007

The results are in

So I got my lab results back from the lipid profile I got done late last week.

My numbers are all below "average" except for one - triglycerides. I'm at 150 on those, which they said is normal but still considered borderline. She told me there's no need for medication and that it can normally be lowered naturally with diet and exercise.

I guess that statement didn't sink in with me until the next day, because all of the sudden it hit me that the nurse mentioned diet and exercise.

Hello?!? I run 3 miles a day, six days a week.

I did a little online research and learned that triglycerides tell how much fat is in your blood. Common sense tells me that if my other numbers are below average and the triglycerides are borderline something must be terribly wrong with (1) my diet or (2) the test. Me, I'm leaning more toward a problem with the test.

So I talked to my husband about this deal and we agreed. We don't eat much fried food, we bake a lot of things to get the fried "crunch" without the fried "grease". This whole triglycerides thing just doesn't make much sense.

So, I've been playing phone tag with two nurses at the doctors office since Tuesday. I think I may have found my own answer. WebMD linked me to another site that indicates that certain types of medication, which they list in great detail, can affect your triglyceride levels. Guess what, I take one of the medications listed. So I'm trying to talk this over with the doctors office and make sure they're aware of this medication since it has been prescribed to me by another doctor in a totally different office.

We'll see what they say. I can tell you this though - I don't know if my body can take anything more than my current workout schedule and if I have to cut out any of the few "bad" things I presently eat I don't know what I'll do.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi and thank you for your comments over on my blog. Sounds like you have a pretty heavy workout schedule already so I'm hoping there is something wrong with the test. Good luck with it and hopefully another doctors opinion can shed some light on it.


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