It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well my weekend was more or less shot. I was sick all weekend long and it's even carried over into Monday. Imagine that. A Monday that sucks. Now there's something unusual. OK, so it isn't.

I have no idea how I ended up feeling the way I've felt for the past 4 days. It all started Friday night after we ate. I ordered the same gut bomb pizza from V's that we get almost every week. I had one beer, same Bud Lite as always. Two pieces of pizza, like usual. So where in the world did the massive pain in my abdomen come from.

I'm pooping fine. I've eaten more antacid's than any person should in a lifetime. I've watched what I've eaten - which hasn't been much of anything this weekend - to keep it "bland". No dairy. No caffeine - which causes it's own problems when you're addicted to it and don't get it killer caffeine headache - which was hard. I basically ate applesauce, bread, and drank water. Still not feeling good today.

The pain has minimized, I guess I have to give it that. But it's still pretty constant. I do think I'm getting a little better since I am actually hungry today. I just got back from lunch and I had instant mashed potatoes with just butter on them, used chicken broth instead of water. I felt half way great before I ate. Now I don't so much. The pain is coming back.

My husband thought I might have appendicitis. But, a little WebMD research gave me the info that appendicitis pain is on the right side, mine's on the left. So, no self diagnosis happening today. I don't know. I guess I'll just keep going on the bland-o's until I feel better. I have added the caffeine back in, the headache isn't worth the pain.

On a good note, I guess if there is one to this, I lost 4 pounds this weekend.


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