It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oh For the Love of.....

Refined Sugar.

That's right folks, I have to cut back in an attempt to cut out all the things I love the most - starchy fillers otherwise known as carbs.

I finally connected with someone at my doctor's office to help me with my questions about the read on my triglycerides. Mine came back at 150, which is considered border line. If you read my previous post about my lipid profile results you'll recall that they told me the triglycerides can be controlled by diet and exercise.

I've certainly got the exercise issue under control.

Now for the diet. Not looking forward to that part.

I love carbs. I mean L O O O O O V E carbs. I would eat some form of potato for every meal if I could get away with it. When we go out to eat I load up on the bread they bring out and could care less for my steak. I've always been that way. Hell, I even love instant mashed potatoes.

So, I was told to cut back on the carbs and watch my refined sugars, i.e. anything white.

It's gonna be hard. No doubt. I suppose I can still splurge from time to time but I'm guessing my once a week morning bagel schmeared with real butter is out of the question. Bummer, I real bummer.

So, this weekend when I do our weekly grocery shopping there will certainly be some new items in the shopping cart. Low carb versions of the things I love so much.

It's a good thing. I'll be eating more healthy food and I'm sure it'll help with my overall goal of dropping a few pounds. It'll have to be a family affair, and I know we'll all reap some sort of benefit. So, I guess I'm all for it. Don't know that I have much of a choice.


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