It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I surely got my high quality laugh value out of the way early this morning.

Eric showed up online at about 8:30 this morning. He was wanting to know when grade school here had Christmas Break. If you remember, his lawyer is going to court this afternoon to get him visitation.

So, while I'm chatting off and on with him his ex-wife comes in for her appointment with my boss. I talked with her on the phone the other day and she had no idea at all who she was spouting off to.

The look on her face when she walked in the door and saw me sitting here - P R I C E L E S S!!! If I had to describe it, I'd say it was about 75% extreme shock and 25% "Oh Shit!" She looked like she wanted to puke right then and there.

Too funny.

Evidently she talked a good talk to my boss. He's thinking about getting in on her case. The lawyer she has had the whole time hasn't followed through on a lot of things. That isn't typical of him and my boss can't figure out why he would leave things hanging in the manner that he has.

H E L L O ? How quickly do we do things when the money runs out or quits flowing? Not too hard to figure out. I made the comment to him that it wasn't typical for this other lawyer to be that way and told him that my hunch was that she owed him a lot of money. He says "She told me she keeps paying and paying him and it's getting anywhere".

I thought this guy was smarter than this. He's been practicing law for 35 years. You'd think he'd be able to figure situations like this out a little easier than that. But, I've quickly learned one thing about my 61 year old divorced boss. If it wears a skirt and acts the least bit interested in him - it's as if he's blind.

I know - ewwwwww!


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