It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Doctors Orders

Yesterday I was at the doctors office for the problems I've been having with my left knee. See, I started running last fall. I am by no means breaking any records, I typically run at about 5.7 - 6.0 miles an hour. That's not fast in terms of serious runner lingo, but it breaks down to about 10 to 11 minutes for one mile.

I've never had great knees by any stretch of the imagination. My kneecaps do things that no human should be able to do - they float around and I can (if I try hard enough) get them onto the outsides of my legs. I know. Gross.

So, when I started running I told my husband that I would run until I blew my knee out. I'm well on my way to that goal.

My doctor has given me strict orders to avoid exercise or extreme physical activities that may affect my knee for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS!!!! I can't even take a leisurely walk. He wants me to exert no added stress on that knee. I also have to take an anti-inflammatory drug twice a day during that 2 weeks to see if we can get the creaking noise to go away.

So, what happens if all this doesn't help the situation? Roto-rooter orthoscopic surgery to remove the "junk" as the doc called it. It basically amounts to the fact that I have been rubbing bone on bone in my left knee so there are multiple tiny bone fragments floating around in the socket. Yuck-o.

I'm hoping that the 2 weeks of easy going will take care of most of the problem, I really don't want to have surgery. I can't afford to have surgery. I hate needles. I'm a big baby when it comes to pain.


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