It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thank you - Thank you very much

Last night I was at the local fitness center doing my normal exercise routine. I was running on the treadmill, had my iPod cranking out some jamming tunes, eyes glued to the boob tube in front of me - minding my own business.

A young kid, around 18/19, comes and gets on the treadmill next to me. He had his choice of ANY treadmill in the facility since it was pretty dead, yet he goes for the one right stinking next to me. Evidently, the sound of the music coming out of my iPod and the way I was in a trance like a deer in headlights watching the TV indicated to him that I wanted to talk.

It happened to be a night I was wearing one of my old college T-Shirts, one from my "greek" days, if you know what I mean, that didn't have a year on it. It's the only one like that, all my others have either 1994 or 1995 on them.

So, this kid says to me:

Kid: "Home for the summer?"
Me: "What?"
Kid: "Are you home from school for the summer?"
Me: "I've been home from school for the summer for a long time"
Kid: "Really? Where do you go to school?"
Me: "I'm not in school."
Kid: "So you graduated?"
Me: "Nope."
Kid: "Did you take a term off?"
Me: "Nope."
Kid: "Oh. I don't get it. "
Me: "I'm not in school anywhere. I work full-time and I have a 5 year old."
Kid: "Wow. You must have been really young when you had your kid. You can't be much more than 25."
Me: "What?!?"
Kid: "You can't be much more than 25."
Me: "I'm 34"
Kid: "Wow. I can't believe I was hitting on a 34 year old with a 5 year old."
Me: "And a husband."

At this point the kid quickly stops his treadmill, gets off and practically sprints out of the place. Sorry buddy, you get an A for effort. And you made my day.

I know I look young, I still get carded when I'm by myself (not when I'm with hubby) buying beer. But holy crap! This kid thought I was 25! Hot damn that kid made my night!


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