It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, March 07, 2008

To much to tell

Jeez...if I had to let you in on everything that's happened since the last time I posted we'd all be here for quite awhile! I'll give you the highlights of the events of the last 3-4 weeks.

A. I'm sick of winter. I'm SOOOOOO sick of winter. Yes, we have had some days when the sun has been shining, but sun shining when it's 14 degrees out is still pretty damn cold. And the snow? I believe I've seen on the news several times that this year is one for the record books. Why can't we have a winter where it was 70 degrees the whole time? Now THAT would be one for the record books!

B. My daughter and I are not making our "Spring Break" trip to Arizona to visit my parents yet again. Last year she didn't want to go because she loved school so much and didn't want to miss out on one single day. OF KINDERGARTEN. This year she decided it was ok to miss a day and a half of school to get to see Nanny and Papa but then the damn airlines decided they needed to double, in some instances triple, their normal rates. I'm sorry, but I'm not shelling out $800 for the two of us to take a 3 hour non-stop flight. We've looked into other options but they all involve excessive numbers of hours in a car or on a train. NOT HAPPENING. Could you imagine? By the time we got off the train, 32 hours later, we'd both be bloody. And her and I driving the nearly 1700 miles by ourselves? Yeah, we can't get along for an hour in the morning getting ready for school...what kind of crazy would stick themselves in a car with a 7 year old for 25 hours. Not this crazy.

C. My commute to work hasn't turned out to be nearly as bad as I thought it might. But, it's still cold so I'm really not in that big of a hurry to get home and get outside and enjoy the weather like I hope to be doing soon. The only thing right now that bothers me is all the stupid pot holes. I'm not kidding, it's like a war zone in some areas. One day a week or so ago I was passing a semi and ended up getting my tire caught in a pot hole right smack dab in the middle of the interstate lanes - I had a CD playing and the jolt was so hard it stopped the CD and went all the way back to the very first song. How it didn't pop my tire is beyond me.

D. Speaking of work.....I'm wrapping up my 8th week today and things have been going really well. These guys are so great to work for/with. We're laid back and have fun but still manage to get our work done. My job is kind of as a floater. I work for both of the lawyers in the office doing discovery work and they each have, or had until yesterday, their own secretary who does all their scheduling, etc. Ever since I've been here, and long before that even I've learned, one of the secretaries has been a major screw up. Like, losing files and blaming everyone but herself, not getting things done in the right time frame, messing up scheduled court appearances and appointments - you get the point. She's been getting "talked to", meaning yelled at, very frequently and I guess the other day was the last straw. She came in yesterday late, holed up in her office and was very short with me and then about an hour later she stood at the front door with her arms full of stuff and said "I'll see you later" then walked out. It's a relief, but at the same time she ended up walking out and leaving a hell of a mess. She erased dictation without doing it, let files in pieces here and there. My work load has just increased like I never imagined. And I'm plenty busy without having to do all her work on top of all mine.

That's about it really. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of normal posting soon. But, then again, soccer starts soon and before long school will be out for the summer. I can't wait!


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