It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Damn it!

I'm having a really bad week so far. Actually, it started last Thursday.

We had no plans for Thanksgiving since my folks are snowbirding in Arizona and we had already had our Thanksgiving with his mom on the Friday before since that was when his brother had his kids. So, I bought a small turkey breast to throw in the oven for the three of us, whipped up some scalloped corn, made up a recipe for sausage stuffing (which wasn't so good), threw in a frozen dutch apple pie, plopped some vanilla ice cream on top and called it a day. It was nice not having to rush to get anywhere, worry about the dog being penned up while we were gone, etc. And being able to lounge around in my jammies all day = priceless.

The bad part started at around 8:30 pm. I got a really bad pain in my side. Again. I still have it today, it's moved around a bit and has finally decided to land just to the right of my belly button, which happens to be the location of one of my port sites from my "lap appy". I had planned to finish painting the kitchen on Sunday and instead spent the better part of the day laying on the sofa in extreme pain.

I called the surgeon's office Monday morning. I didn't know if I should start there, or if I should just call my GP, but they told me it was likely a post-op condition and that I should start with him. I have a 2:30 appointment today to see what's going on.

My husband, ever the pessimist, is convinced that there is a tool or wad of gauze left in me and we're going to end up suing the hospital and the doctor and living on easy street for the rest of our lives. I, on the other hand, actually live on the planet earth and believe it's either early onset adhesions or that I've torn some internal stitches. We'll see.

Yesterday his dog started acting strangely and vomiting again. She does this every year when it's hunting season. She's been to the vet multiple times and they think she eats something in the blind that's yuck and she gets an infection. I think it's because she doesn't eat before they go out, so when she gets home and gets to eat she's so hungry that she more or less inhales her food. Good old binge and purge-o-rama! Typically this doesn't effect me, but this morning it did. I was quickly yanked out of my warm bed by the sounds of a dog 5:40am. So I jumped out of bed and threw on my robe, got her out of her kennel and outside so she could finish up in the yard. Damn dog didn't want to come back in. And there was no way in hell I was going out. She finally did come back in. And I was left with the task of cleaning up the dog puke. Good fucking morning to you.

When I got home for lunch today I was hoping she had made it those 3 1/2 hours without incident. Seriously, who wants to clean up dog puke at lunch time?!? Apparently I did. It was a triple bonus because not only did I get to clean up dog puke I also got to clean up cat puke and go on a little treasure hunt to find all the pieces of q-tips that were strewn all about my house.

God damn animals.


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