It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So far out I'm in

I am NOT a fashionista. As a matter of fact, the possibility of me wearing today's hot fashion this time next year when it's totally out is highly probable. Because it'll be on sale.

I recently got a pair of Ugg boots. LOVE THEM! They're so warm, so comfortable. They're the first things I put on when I climb out of bed in the morning and the last thing I take off before I get in bed at night. To say I love them is a major understatement.

This Saturday I'm driving in to Streamwood to meet my cousin at her house and from there we're hopping on the Metra and going downtown Chicago. We're going to do some window shopping, maybe ice skate, chow down on some good grub and get some Christmas shopping done. (American Girl anyone?)

I'm planning on wearing my Ugg's because, like I said above, they're so warm and comfortable. And the weather in Chicago on December 1 will more or less require anything that can offer you warmth.

So, Monday I send her an email. She's young (28), she's hip, she's a fashionista. My message line was "OK, so call me stoopid" and I asked her for her advice on the "right" way to dress with my Ugg boots.

Apparently skinny jeans or a long sweater with leggings is the way to go. Yeah, I've got NONE of the above. And the pant legs HAVE TO BE tucked in the boot. Ugh! The thought of "Pegging" the legs of my jeans again (you know, it was popular in the early 90's) - YUCK!!!

So, I jumped online on cyber Monday to find a pair of skinny jeans. Easier said than done. Seems the hot jeans this year are wide leg. Nobody has skinny jeans anymore - they're SO last year.

I finally found a pair and ordered them, they're probably sitting outside my house right now. I don't know if I'm looking forward to trying them on or not. I'm not really built for skinny anything. I know, at 5'7" and 130 pounds I shouldn't be freaking out about it, but the majority of my weight is concentrated in the lower 1/2 of my body. My legs are more iron man than skinny man.

We'll see what happens.


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Will there be a winter fashion show on the blog showing these jeans and boots?


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