It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, March 31, 2008

Stress?!? Me?!? Under stress?!?

No. No? Yes!

I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks. Couldn't tell you how many weeks for sure, that's how long it's been.

Surprisingly enough, I have managed to avoid all the cold/flu viruses that have been going around and taking people out of operation for sometimes weeks. But, my body is suffering all the same.

Now, I'm no doctor, but I know when something isn't right. And what, with the world of WebMD, do I need to go to the doctor for? I just type in my symptoms and ta-da ... a host of possible diagnoses come up with at home remedies to boot. This one was pretty easy to figure out though.

I'm 99.9% sure I have a stress fracture on the outside of my left foot. The other night as I was trying to run away from all my stress on the treadmill I heard and felt a pop. Of course, I didn't stop running but instead cranked up the speed even more. I know, not one of the smarter choices I've made recently.

So now I have to be careful what shoes I wear and be mindful of how much time I spend on my feet. My daughter keeps telling me: "Just go to the doctor Mommy and get a purple cast on your foot with some of those thingies on the bottom so you can walk on it" and I keep saying that there isn't anything the doctor could/would do that I'm not already doing.

The swelling has gone done. The bruising is all but gone. I just have to take it easy. No running on the treadmill for awhile (Which is easier said than done), so I'll have to make myself be satisfied with the stationary bike. No big deal. I had to rehab myself after my (totally unnecessary) appendectomy so I can do it again.

But, if it does happen to take a turn for the worse I'm all for going to the doctor to get a purple cast on my foot with some of those thingies on the bottom so I can walk on it.


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