It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm having one of THOSE weeks

I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who, from time to time, wonders why the hell they're married to the person they're married to. It happens every once in a while, after a terribly difficult day/week/month. This week is one of them.

Since the first of the year things have been slow at my husbands job. They've worked little to no overtime and at one point even went down to 4 day work weeks. Now, all of the sudden, they've got orders piling up out of no where are are working overtime. 10 hour days to be exact. His department made a deal with the devil, a/k/a their foreman, that their 10 hour days are from 5:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the summer and 4:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. during the school year. That way they aren't late to get kids from school, etc.

Every time he's on 10's, and has to work Saturday to boot, he turns into this absolute makes me want to kill him asshole that gets pissed off at things like my breathing the same air he is. Toss in a very emotional 6 year old two cats and a dog and you've got my life. How I've managed to avoid having a heart attack, brain tumor or nervous breakdown is beyond me. Must be directly tied to my increased alcohol consumption during these times that keeps my blood thinned out. Who knows.

So last night I got my haircut and highlighted. Haircuts are pretty run of the mill in most households, and every summer, EVERY summer, I get my hair highlighted. He knows this isn't a 5 minute job because this has been going on for the 10 1/2 years we've been together.

I did him a favor by the fact that our daughter came with me to the salon and was out of his hair (no pun intended) for the 2 hours we were gone. So, at 8:00 we walked in the door and this is how the conversation went:

HIM: "Why would you ever go somewhere knowing that it's going to take 2 fucking hours to get your hair cut?"

ME: "I got it cut and got highlights. The highlights are what takes the time." (He looks at my hair)

HIM: "I hope you didn't pay for that."

ME: "Of course I PAID for this"

HIM: "You better be making a phone call pretty fucking fast to get it fixed"

ME: "What do you mean 'I better be making a phone call to get it fixed'"

HIM: "Have you LOOKED in a mirror?"

ME: "Yes, the whole time she was working on me"

HIM: "And you still walked out of there looking like THAT?!?"

ME: "It's my hair. I like it. She didn't style it the way I do, but it'll look better than the crappy $12 WalMart haircut I've been dealing with."

HIM: "Get it fixed before the wedding Saturday or we're not going. I have to be seen with you and I'm not going to be seen with you looking like that."

And he walks out the door, slamming the door behind him. I don't know where he went. I don't care. The unfortunate part is that he came back.

My new cut is very cute, very fitting to my face and my frame. The highlights are quite lighter than I've ever had, so much so that I'd say I'm blonde now and I've always been a brunette. I paid $100 for this hair, and I'm afraid that if I were to call up and tell her that I need to darken it up a bit because MY HUSBAND THE ASSHOLE doesn't like it, I'd end up paying more. I've never paid $100 for my hair. EVER.

Needless to say it's pretty tense in my house and the only thing that ever makes things any better is if we just leave him out of things and mind our own business. Eventually he's done working overtime and realizes that he's a dickhead and we're back to normal, or as close to normal as we ever get.

I've not made a phone call to the hairdresser. The color is a little shocking, but I think it's because I've never had hair this light. So, it's a change, a pretty big one. But I think that in a couple of days everyone will be used to it more and things will work out. I like it. And I'm not getting it fixed.

My opinion is IT'S MY HAIR ON MY HEAD. If I'm happy about it does it really matter what anyone else thinks?!?

Come on, it could always be worse - I could have come home with P U R P L E hair.


At 3:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure the hair looks lovely and your husband is just at his wits end from work. Granted, it was not a nice thing to say but I hope he sees the error of his ways and offers up an apolgy and maybe even some flowers or a quiet dinner. It's the right thing to do. hope it's all sorted out soon.


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