It's My Life....Like it or not

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

1 week down, 11 weeks to go

Well, my first week on Weight Watchers went...okay. I did manage to lose some weight, how is still beyond me.

I've pretty much learned that anything that I love love love to eat is off limits. Not to say I haven't still indulged. I've just done so in moderation, and with 22 mile bike rides.

I've really been hitting my workouts hard. Riding my bike out on the streets and clocking in 11 miles in 40 minutes. Now, I'm no Lance Armstrong by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought that was pretty damn good considering I'm crossing 3 major intersections during that time. My husband figures I'm riding at about 15 miles an hour. Rock on! But man oh man does my ass hurt. Thank heavens he decided to buy a "good" bike. (We got a Trek)

So, I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I'm still being honest on my recording of my food and exercise. And, even though I totally blew my points allotment last week I still managed to lose 1.7 pounds. In a week. So ha.

I'll keep you posted about my progress. So far, still a little discouraged but I think I'm finally catching on to this whole "healthy eating" thing. Now to get my husband and daughter on board - that would be sweet. Baby girl could stand to cut down a little. She's 6 1/2 (tomorrow) 4'3" and weighs 78 pounds. She looks like her dad did when he was a kid - a square. But, she's active and still growing so she'll thin down, eventually.

Not much else going on. We're getting into the garage sale mode for an upcoming family sale. Man do we have a lot of shit. It's all out of the closets and drawers and now just needs to be priced. Why do garage sales have to be so damn much work!?!


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