It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, November 27, 2006

I Survived!

Well, I somehow managed to make it through not one but two family Thanksgiving functions. Amazingly enough, the one for my family was nice.

One of my Aunt's (I have 6 on my mom's side) called to say that she was having a little something on Turkey Day for those who didn't have anywhere else they had to be. So, I signed us up. I don't know why I was thinking it would be a small crowd, there's no such thing in my family, ended up being 25 of us. I had the difficult task of bringing rolls and drinks. I was thinking about throwing a kegger, but it didn't happen - too many little kids. As usual, I ate waaaay to much. Love those taters!

Friday we were at my husband's mom's for round 2. Smaller crowd this time, still ate too much, no drama.

Baby Girl and I (how stupid was this) hit Kohl's at about 10am to see if we could find some good deals on "Black Friday". We did good in the bargain department but not so good in the cooperate with Mommy department. Note to self: NEVER take a child shopping with you on Black Friday.

Saturday I did some more shopping, minus child and husband, and was able to get about half of my list of things to buy for every fricking person in our families done. Still have to do all 3 sets of parents but I think I'm just going to do gift certificates to the local meat locker. Easy, affordable, something everyone will use. One stop shopping of sorts.

Tomorrow I have to take my grandma to Freeport. Yipee! I was hoping she'd get her appointment scheduled for today so I could extend my holiday weekend a little longer but no such luck. Oh well, it's still a day off no matter what. I'm just not looking forward to 4 hours in the car with her. I love her don't get me wrong, but she has an opinion about EVERYTHING and she's not afraid to share it.

In a couple weeks my mom and dad will be home for Christmas for 2 weeks. Mom has been trying to bribe my daughter into being good at school until Nanny gets home. Last week was easy since they only had school 3 days, got out early on Wednesday and spent the afternoon on Wednesday at the movie theater watching Happy Feet. The week before she was really good - up until afternoon recess on Friday. Man, what a way to blow it.

That's about it. I thought I would have more family drama to write about but for once, my family has acted like adults. I'll have to mark that on the calendar.


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