It's My Life....Like it or not

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ain't no thang

It's official - I conquered Freeport. We got into town nearly an hour earlier than the scheduled closing and we were planning to get a quick bite to eat before heading to the Title Company. It was down in the heart of the old business district and my grandma wanted to find some little "diner" type place to eat. She's not in to the whole fast food scene.

So we drove around and around trying to find something without much luck. We finally agreed to get a bite after the closing since it likely wouldn't take much time. If you don't know Freeport, which I didn't, nearly every street is one-way and they apparently don't believe in stop lights at major intersections.

While we were driving my Aunt called my cell and we were chatting as we were looking for someplace to hang out. She was on her way and was going to meet us. She asked me where I was and when I gave her the cross streets she immediately said "GET OUT OF THERE FAST! YOU'RE IN THE 'HOOD!"

PaShaw. Ain't skeered.

When I got off the phone my grandma asked me what all the screaming was about on the other end of the phone. When I told her we were apparently in the 'hood she first didn't get it. Then she said she's glad I didn't react differently when hearing that or she would have probably had a heart attack. Don't need that.

I managed to drive aimlessly around the 'hood without incident and even found our way back to where we were supposed to be.

The 15 minute closing ended up taking over an hour due to some unforeseen complications on the part of the sellers. So, when we finally got out of there and got to a place to eat it was past 2pm. Forget lunch - I got ice cream!

I put nearly 200 miles on my car in the course of 5 hours and my ass hurt so bad from doing so much sitting. Still figiting today as I sit at my desk.

Still having problems with Baby Girl at school. Any suggestions offered would be greatly appreciated. I don't get why she's like this. She doesn't get away with the crap she's pulling at school at home. She got a timeout from the PE teacher yesterday for arguing. For some reason we can get her to knock off the physical stuff (pushing, poking, etc.) but can't get her to shut her trap. Nothing is ever her fault and that needs to stop at once. She didn't get to watch any of her Disney Channel shows last night and she was irritated for sure. She might not even get them tonight to make our position that this needs to stop now a little more clear to her.

We've even told her that Santa is watching and seeing that she isn't being good. With 21 items on her wish list she better buck up pretty damn fast or she isn't getting much from Santa.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger grrrbear said...

I didn't even know Freeport *had* any bad parts of town? What, the cows all hang out around streete corners and flash gang signs at each other?


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