It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The curse of Thursday

I knew it almost immediately after I woke up this was going to be a bad day. I don't know how I knew, I just had this feeling.

So far, my feeling has been true. As I was in the shower this morning a mole I have on my right temple, it's been there for - well, ever, decided to burst open spewing blood all over the place. Pretty gross, and painful too. After about 20 minutes I was finally able to get it to stop bleeding but even now, nearly 7 hours after the fact, it's still throbbing. I should probably see somebody about it, but the dermatologist is 45 miles away and I know from previous experience that you can't get a quick appointment there. I doubt this categorizes as an emergency anyhow. It stopped bleeding, it's just the pain factor. Who would have thought that a mole so small could store so much blood. I hate blood, especially when it's mine.

The dog is (has been) acting strangely today (and yesterday) too. She won't potty for me at all. We go outside and she stands there in a strange pose I've not seen before and sniffs. It's kind of ominous. Makes me wonder if she knows something I don't.

Monday at work we had a brief due in the local appellate court. Tons of fun, let me tell you. My boss gets all the credit and I do all the work. Typical.

He gets the credit that is, until we get the notice from the appellate court that something isn't "right", then it's all my fault. Got one of those in the mail today. He hasn't seen it yet - I'm trying to deal with it before he comes back from lunch so when he does see it I've already taken care of the situation. I don't know what the deal is with those people over there...what they say isn't there is, and I did it the way they told me to do it the last time we got one of these love letters. WTF!?! A little consistency would be great people! By the way, since when did I become the lawyer responsible for doing these fricking things to begin with?!?

Well, still four more hours of work for something to go wrong. Can't imagine a misery much worse than this throbbing mole deal but now that I've put that in black and white, something will pop up. Always does.


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