It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, May 25, 2006

NOT a Happy Camper

It happens every year at this time....discord in my family. Ahh, must be close to Memorial Day!

We have some friends with a private pond. There's a cabin there, but it's VERY rustic. By that I mean no running water, no flushing toilet. There is an outhouse but it's pretty much been taken over by all sorts of creepy crawlies over the course of the past few years.

This weekend there is a fishing tournament, cook-out and camping event planned. Happens every year. Every year my family thinks that by some strange twist of fate I've evolved into some sort of mountain woman up for the challenge. Really, what ARE they thinking?

My idea of camping out (fully loaded plush RV with all the comforts of home) and my families idea of camping out (air mattress in a tent, peeing in the woods) are SO far from common ground that it's ridiculous.

My daughter was actually in tears last night when we were talking about it and I told her I would be camping out at home in the big bed. Hubby told her that the two of them are going to camp out at the pond, mommy has to go home so she can take care of the dog (Yipee!) so we don't have to drive back and forth too many times.

Bottom line here is that I AM NOT sleeping on an air mattress on the ground!


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