It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why my New Year's celebration was so incredibly boring

Well, I supposed part of the answer to that would have to be the fact that I live right smack dab in the middle of nowhere in Central Illinois. I'm about 75 miles from Peoria, about 75 miles from the Quad Cities and about 200 miles from Chicago. So that puts me right about ..... there.

The town I live in is home to me and approximately 7,199 other people living in the middle of nowhere.

Back in the late 70's my parent's opened a business here. Up until about 4 years ago I thought for sure I'd be dealing in furniture for the rest of my life. It was 4 years ago come May that my parents told us that they had hired a company to do a going out of business sale.

Not really.

Anyway. A couple years after the business opened they started doing a big sale on New Year's Day. We're talking about a 5 hour day that pretty much brought in the same amount of money as half the year would normally pull. It was insane. As soon as my sister and I were in High School it was mandatory that we worked the New Year's Day sale. Seriously, from 1987 to 2003 I missed one. Only because 11 days earlier I had given birth to a nearly 8 lb. baby. And if I had done it any way other than a C-Section I guarantee they would have asked my OB/GYN if it was ok for me to work that day.

So, since I had to work on New Year's Day basically my entire adult life, going out and partying on New Year's Eve was pretty much out of the question. Tried it once and learned a very valuable lesson - retail and hangovers do not mix.

Needless to say - my plans this year were not very exciting. It involved steak on the grill along with some thawed out shrimp and nearly an entire bottle of wine - by myself. I was in bed before 11pm and couldn't have cared less that it was midnight or the start of a new year.

I did make a resolution though, and I'm pretty much already undermining my self. It's my goal to weigh 125 pounds by the time I turn 35 in April. So, 15-20 pounds is what I want to shed in 4 months. Should be easy. I work out 5 times a week and run 2.5 miles 5 times a week. I don't snack, don't care for sweets (much) and don't drink to excess or even every week. The problem I have is that I eat too much when I do eat.

Take today for example. Started off with a creamfilled longjohn donut. Had a cup of coffee with cream. Good so far - but then comes lunch. I had a salad with cottage cheese and lo-cal dressing, a bagel with cream cheese and a yogurt with Heath Bar chunks in it. I was doing really good until I hit the bagel with cream cheese. The bagel itself had more calories than everything else I ate combined. DISGUSTING.

That's my downfall - carbs. If I had to go on a low/no carb diet tomorrow I'd be dead by Monday.


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