It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Good times had by all

I am so glad the chaos surrounding Christmas in finally over! What a nightmare. Between last minute shopping, four (yes FOUR) separate family Christmas functions, and two birthdays in eight days I have had enough.

My daughter got damn near everything on her 23 item Birthday/Christmas list. If that isn't spoiled rotten I don't know what is. The thing she was most excited about was her brand new pink guitar from Santa. She walks around the house strumming it and making up little songs. It is cute but the thing sounds like a dying cow - it's in major need of a tune job.

The most hilarious moment came Tuesday night as she was playing with one of her new Barbie dolls. She got Barbie and her dog Tanner from one of the grandparents. Tanner, if you don't know, eats treats and then leaves you a treat to clean up. So, she's playing with it and it isn't working the way she wanted evidently. She says to me, "Mommy! Help me put these turds in his butt so he can poop!"
Oh. My. God.
I laughed so hard I literally fell out of the recliner onto the floor rolling around laughing.

She got all kinds of DVD's and CD's we're now starting to catch up on. She got Elf, Over the Hedge, Nanny McPhee and the Hannah Montana CD. All enjoyed by even adults.

Only one major "disfunction" happened at my family Christmas and it's just too detailed to even get into. Bottom line, it pertains to one of my aunts who complains about people doing the same damn thing she's done in the past when playing Dirty Santa to get the item you actually want out of all the crap. It's bullshit and everybody let her know it - which is why she stormed off in a huff. Oh well, we had more fun without her anyway. That's about the time we cracked open the booze!

Still trying to get the house cleaned up and all the new clothes washed. That, in and of itself, is a chore and a half. Maybe I'll have it done by the time New Year's rolls around.


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