It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, December 18, 2006

Weekend stress

Well, I somehow managed not to snap over the weekend.

The whole weekend basically turned into a disaster.

Friday night I had to do all the grocery shopping for the birthday party Saturday at noon. I couldn't pay my husband to keep our daughter home with him (he may run to buddies house, blah blah blah) so I could buy her a birthday gift. Then Saturday he had to conveniently work until 10:30am and totally went off on me when I asked him if he could watch her for a while so I could run and get the cake and buy her gift. AGH! I could have killed him.

But it gets better, 15 minutes before the party he realized that I probably invited his dad (I did) to the party and that he was probably going to come (he did) and why would I do something like that knowing damn well that they aren't speaking. Fortunately we were done screaming at each other by the time the first guests arrived. Everything went well, the food was good, gifts were a plenty and I got all the praise.

Saturday night we were at a surprise party for a friend of ours that graduated from college. I again stuffed my face full of food and paid the price dearly.

At 12:15am Sunday morning I made the first of many trips into the bathroom praying to the porcelain gods. I threw up so much I honestly don't know how I didn't lose 15 pounds. For 4 hours I was back and forth. At 4:15 I finally got to sleep and slept, off and on through interruptions from my daughter, until almost Noon.

Today I'm still not all the way chipper. The thought of many different foods still makes me want to vomit. Yuck! I hate puking. I guess I have lost a couple pounds and will likely continue to until I can get all the way back to normal - but there has to be a better way than this.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger tosh_mine said...

i enjoyed reading ur posts!!!

will definitely check ur blog!!!


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