It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, December 29, 2006

I can't believe I haven't posted about this yet

Well, I'm glad I'm not up for the "Mother of the Year" award. This post would certainly knock me out of the running. I completely forgot, I don't know how it happened but it did.

My daughter lost her first tooth on Saturday, December 23, 2006 at approximately 4:00 p.m. It was her right top front, the first tooth she got in and knocked the corner off of in less than 24 hours. So now the tooth hole, added to the family gap my husband passed on to her, makes it look like you could drive a Mack truck right into her mouth without so much a scraping a tooth on either side. It's pretty darn cute.

This tooth was hanging by a thread for no less than a week - I offered many many times to get it out for her to no avail. She was all afraid it was going to hurt and was mortified about the whole blood situation. So, when this all went down on Saturday afternoon I was prepared for alligator tears and the whole drama queen crying and howling deal. Was I ever surprised. There were some tears and minor howling at first. But then I got out the magic ice cube in the wash rag. She put the ice on it for all of about 4 seconds, grabbed her papertowel and pulled it out.

Just like that.

Then she went around showing everybody her hole and her tooth she just pulled. She was so proud of herself. I was proud too. I didn't think she had it in her. She's like her dad when it comes to that stuff - she can look at the guts of any dead animal without so much as flinching but acts as if the world will end immediately if she sees the slightest hang nail on her hand.

So, that night we got the tooth all spiffed up for the Tooth Fairy. I still have my Tooth Fairy Pillow from when I was a kid so we stuck it into the little pocket and placed it next to her pillow. When she woke up she was all excited because the Tooth Fairy left her a $5 bill and a $0.50 piece. She also left a note that she got extra since this was her first tooth and was special. Good thinking Tooth Fairy - now she won't expect $5.50 every time she looses a tooth. That Tooth Fairy is on her game with this kid, and it's a good thing too because she's got 3 more loose ones she's working on now.

So, $5.50 for one tooth. Man, when I was a kid I got screwed by this Tooth Fairy person. I only got $0.25 or $0.50 a tooth. Hmmm. I think that bicuspid feels a little loose....


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