It's My Life....Like it or not

Friday, July 11, 2008

Stress Relief

OK, I took a few deep breaths and imagined I was on a tropical island. I'm feeling much better now. Actually, I think the turning point was the shopping I did on my lunch break the other day. It was very successful, I walked out with around $150 worth of clothes for $8.54. I had a $100 gift certificate and a $30 off coupon that I applied and the $8.54 was what was left after applying those. So, 5 shirts and 3 pairs of pants later I was feeling a little better! Nothing quite like retail therapy!

I also started reading again. I've always loved to read, I just kind of stopped when my daughter was born. Too much other stuff going on, I was too tired, etc. She wanted some books for herself so I figured I'd get myself a book too since we were at the library. So last Saturday I picked up Stephen King's "Cell". I love Stephen King books and at one point had read them all, including the Bachman Books. I finished it last night. It was an awesome book, highly recommended if SK is your cup of tea.

Today at work is going to be a quite day, our phones aren't working. It's almost as if some greater authority knew I needed a break in order to get caught up with the madness. Thank you, whoever you are. I did need it and it's appreciated more than you can imagine.


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