It's My Life....Like it or not

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Scratch that

So, after my post yesterday I started surfing the net for information about colleges offering online degrees in Liberal Arts. I was mostly wasting time, but I think for the most part I wanted to prove to myself that such a thing didn't exist. Boy was I ever wrong! The good news is, I've requested some information from a (not-so) local college that has just what I'm looking for. In no time at all I could have my long sought after bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois at Springfield. Cool! Maybe all hope is not yet lost...I'll keep you posted.

My daughter has a knot on her leg the size of a baseball today. It's grown at a rather large speed; Tuesday it was the size of a quarter, Wednesday it was the size of a silver dollar. I did call the doctor's office yesterday (see, now I sound like my husband - calling in and not actually going in. It's different though, really) to see if this was "normal" after getting the required school shots. Unfortunately it's very normal, and although it may bother me it's not bothering my kid at all. She's got this huge red mark that's raised and the size of a baseball and she says it doesn't hurt at all. OK, whatever, I'm still keeping my eye on it. I don't remember her having this kind of reaction to shots when she was a baby and this is just a follow-up of shots she's already had.

Tomorrow we have to go to the school where she'll go for kindergarten in the fall for an orientation. Fun. It's right in the middle of the fricking day. Don't these people realize that probably 98% of these kids parents work for a living? I'd love to be independently wealthy and not HAVE to work, but I'm not and I do. So now I have to take personal time off. I'm already out of vacation time until the 1st of July, used all of last years saved vacation days to go to Arizona in March. This sucks. The worst part is that I'll take her to the sitter in the morning, which is about 10 miles from town, I'll have to leave an extra 20-30 minutes before we even have to be at the thing just to go and get her and get back into town. That's the part that I'm going to miss the least about her going to school. No more driving for 10 minutes to get to the sitter, we'll just have to drive across town to go to school.

Now, for anyone reading my babbling that lives in a big metropolitan area, you're probably thinking, why is this chick ranting about having to drive 10 minutes to get her kid to a sitter. Because, I live in a town of 7,200 in the middle of Corn/Bean Field USA and I drive my kid to a smaller town (500) to go to the sitters. I drive right past the county day care to do it too. I know, doesn't make sense. Financially, it's a smarter move to drive her to the sitter 10 miles away than to go to the county day care. Whatever works, right? She loves her sitter and her sitter loves her - and that to me is worth the hassle.

So, anyway - better get back to work. Countdown for today is 5. I don't know why I care, I already got my iPod a month ago that's my present from husband, daughter and all the animals.


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