It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ahhh the weekend

What a weekend.

Friday night hubby decided he'd like to have the recliner from the tv room in the living room. Isn't it funny how moving one piece of furniture turns into a project that takes the entire weekend and ends up costing about $500? Ended up with a new computer armoire, bookcase, computer chair, curtains... It does look nice and makes more sense this way, just wish it hadn't consumed my entire weekend.

Saturday was the first soccer game of the season. It was so cold I was questioning why I signed my kid up in the first place. Ever try to watch 4 and 5 year olds "play" soccer? It's nuts. Even if they do well in practice it's totally different when you get another team and the sidelines crammed with screaming parents. I don't scream at my daughter - I think it's a waste. If anything, at this age, it scares them. It doesn't make them go after the ball, kick it harder, or anything else. 9 times out of 10, when a parent yells something at their kid, the kids stops what it was they were doing to look at mom on the sidelines yelling at them. At least wait for that until they aren't in the swarm mode of soccer at this age. If she wants to play again in the fall league I'll sign her up, but I'm not going to push it.

That was the extent of my weekend. Why is it that the work week goes soooo slooooow and the weekend gets crammed so full of stuff you wish you were at work so you could relax?


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