It's My Life....Like it or not

Monday, April 17, 2006

Random Babbling

I am so glad that the whole Easter buy all the candy in the world thing is over. I swear, my daughter has half the candy known to man. It seems that no matter how many times you tell your friends and family that candy isn't what you'd like your kid to have - you get candy. Oh well, she did get some good stuff that Mommy and Daddy are pretty fond of. (There goes my diet, again)

This weather has been incredible. Finally! I don't know what I ever did to anybody to deserve living in such a miserable climate. I don't remember hating Illinois this much as a kid, but the older I get the less I want to tolerate snow and the freezing cold temperatures that go along with it. I almost, almost, had my husband convinced that we needed to move to Arizona a few years back. Then all his friends that lived there started moving back here to raise their families. It's pretty hard to convince him now that this is not the best place in the world to raise our family, especially when so many of them left the opportunities they had in Big City Arizona to come back to Small Town Illinois.

Today is kindergarten physical day for my daughter. For weeks she has been bawling about the shots she's going to have to get and how she doesn't want them. We've tried rationalizing with her, which is what we've always done, it isn't working. I even told her that I got the shots when I was little even though I was scared and that I lived through it. She doesn't care. She doesn't want anything to do with school if it means she's got to get a needle crammed in her body. I don't blame her really, I hate shots with every ounce of my being. Come to think about it, I don't know anybody that enjoys getting a shot.

All of our friends and family are rushing to get their taxes post marked by the end of the day. No one can believe how calm we are about it. Well, ours are done, have been done for a good 2 months now, refund was received the end of February. What's to stress out about? My money's already in the bank (or spent). Last year I discovered these great things called Turbo Tax and e-filing. Gotta love it.

It's going to start getting harder and harder to concentrate on work as the weather gets nicer. At least I have access to fresh air while sitting at my desk. We have a screen door on the front door of our office and it's about 15 feet away from my desk, now if the traffic on Main street wasn't so damn loud!


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